Cases of Alzheimer being reversed with Intranasal Light Therapy

"The convention is that Alzheimer’s disease is irreversible. The doctors I know say so. So does the Alzheimer’s Association. Based on the literature on what transcranial  photobiomodulation on the brain can do (the devices are put on the skull to shine light energy into the brain) and from what I have seen with the Vielight intranasal light therapy  for other brain conditions, I wouldn’t be surprised."

"Cases of Alzheimer being reversed with Intranasal Light Therapy" source

"We followed a few cases over a year, with varying degrees of success. The one with 83-year-old Rudy stood out because of the way the family ensured that Rudy got treated regularly, and the daughter communicated with me regularly. A wonderfully loving and close family. Rudy has mostly been self-treating with the Vielight 810 Infrared, supplemented with the 633 Red everyday.

Before he started using the device, he had typical advanced Alzheimer symptoms, and was assessed as having “significant cognitive impairment”. This involved disorientation, forgetting even the names of close family members, and was detached in social settings. After, a year, you wouldn’t think he ever had Alzheimer. When I visited him this time, he was tested as having borderline “no cognitive impairment”. He continues to improve."

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