Ultraweak Photon Emission as a Non-Invasive Health Assessment: A Systematic Review

"Bioluminescence is the process of production and emission of light by a living organism via chemiluminescence-based processes. Many examples are known in biology such as fireflies, Antarctic krill, fungi (for instance Panellus stipticus), various squid species, etc."

"Ultraweak Photon Emission as a Non-Invasive Health Assessment: A Systematic Review" source

"In fact, all cells produce some form of light emission, but most of this light is not visible to the unaided human eye. This photonic emission has characteristic wavelengths, duration, timing and patterns of flashes. These are features often associated with information and, while not proof in and of itself, it is reasonable to assume that these light emissions contain and carry information about the biological systems that produced it.

Ultraweak photon emission by living systems, sometimes called low level chemiluminescence, is the result of normal biochemical reactions in which electrons transition in and out of electronically excited states. Detection and identification of these excited states is easily achieved in well-defined chemical systems. However, the task becomes more problematic in complex biological systems, e.g., in studies of isolated cells, organs, or intact organisms." click to read more

Do you want to know more about human body Bio-Photon transmissions, how the human energy communicates within Quantum Physics Science?

Click on this link and buy the book where prof. F.A. Popp (who proved this new science in the Technology Center Kaiserslautern, International Institute of Biophysics, Germany) describes how it works.