What is CyberDoktor.org?

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CyberDoktor.org is a news and information portal registered in the US. Since many years a lot of patients and medical doctors have been looking for more practical solutions inter-acting between each other. Nowadays the Internet is the normal communication channel, however patients still have to make cumbersome appointments and travel to their medical doctors in an uncomfortable style practiced for hundreds of years. Today, the technology is here where you can diagnose and treat patients remotely since a couple of decades. We believe that it is important to inform and re-train patients and medical staff to cope with this new order. Today modern medical care is generally a disaster and instead of curing patients, the present system is just out after profits and profit-hunting has replaced cure as the number one goal. CyberDoktor.org has taken the burden of changing these tendencies on its shoulders and is now working hard to open the eyes of all parties involved in order to achieve a modernization of the present system in favor of creating the best solution for the patients to get the proper cure which they expect from the health care system.