w FAQs

What is CyberDoktor.org?

CyberDoktor.org is a news and information portal registered in the US. Since many years a lot of patients and medical doctors have been looking for more practical solutions inter-acting between each other. Nowadays the Internet is the normal communication channel, however patients still have to make cumbersome appointments and travel to their medical doctors in an uncomfortable style practiced for hundreds of years. Today, the technology is here where you can diagnose and treat patients remotely since a couple of decades. We believe that it is important to inform and re-train patients and medical staff to cope with this new order. Today modern medical care is generally a disaster and instead of curing patients, the present system is just out after profits and profit-hunting has replaced cure as the number one goal. CyberDoktor.org has taken the burden of changing these tendencies on its shoulders and is now working hard to open the eyes of all parties involved in order to achieve a modernization of the present system in favor of creating the best solution for the patients to get the proper cure which they expect from the health care system. 

w FAQs

How can you prove this "Cure it Yourself" method works?

If all material published in our news portal is not convincing enough, please email us under info@cyberdoktor.org and we will help you to get in contact with medical doctors who are having wast experience in "Cure it Yourself" programs. We would like to emphasize that the problem is not the cure in itself, generally the main problems which occur when starting up these "Cure it Yourself" programs are strong addictions to carbohydrates and stimulants. These addictions are sometimes even stronger than heroin addictions and we must be aware of that as well the food industry as the pharmaceutical industry today, mainly use the addiction tribute to sell their products. This method is far more effective than media marketing and is unknown within the general public. The experience gathered until today shows that about 50% of all participants in the "Cure it Yourself" programs cannot cope with their addictions and consequently fail to get cured. They are bound to a painful, expensive and, at the end, hopeless fight to win over their sicknesses when they go back to the existing public service western health care system.   

w FAQs

Is it expensive to "Cure it Yourself"?

Generally your food expenses account goes down because healthy food costs less. You need to complement with minerals, vitamins and co-enzymes, which generally cost less than synthetic drugs, however they are normally not subsidized by the public well-fare systems. Other costs are the costs for remote medical services, which are generally much lower than the traditional western health care. Further savings are transports, time and dental services. By applying new health habits, normally dental care becomes excessive as the skeleton, which includes your teethes, are improving and dental care will be rarely needed. To summarize, our experience is that your total personal costs will be lower than before and other issues like no more sick leave days, will, in fact, help you to earn more money than what you did before.